Dis is for "A Wild Pikachu." whoever yoo are, i hope yoo like it :3 and it would be unwise to stroke dis Pikachu. He appears quite upset. Also, my fav pokemon is da Wooper. His name is Sebastian and he has a serious nature.

Cobalt Arrow Warrior
8/20/2012 03:00:29 am

ROFLMBO for some reason the shape of wild pikachu's face reminds me of the hyrda from hercules that I drew! Loooove this it's hilarious!!! ^0^

8/20/2012 07:29:37 am

Maybe da hydra was a subconcious inspiration O_O ahahah! id be funny if it was x3 nah, the face was inspired from a pic i saw on the internet one time. i dont remember much but im pretty sure it was a pikachu as well :/


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