I havent drawn a girl in a while so i doodled one during H Algebra 2....... mother of God wat happened O_O i think i need to reinforce the line drawn from my blood and tears between guys and girls again 

Once again, drawing on my notes   -_-' and also once again accidentally drew someone i know +_+ i dunno why but it freaks me out.....

ahahah.... im such a bad student T-T recently, iv been working on how distinguish ages in my drawings. i was aiming for 12.... yeh im still workin on it >_>

First off, my drawing style changed so much over the summer O_O i finally gave Patches a face :D aint she perdy. i also drew another character of mine named Koko. Shes a slightly insane genius who specializes in throwing knives. the rest are just doodle but one so happens to resemble my cousin Matthew...

livening up da site! YAY! dis is  sumthin i scribble scrabbled for the sake of tellin ze population dat were still alive! this is my rough draft of the gemstone collab and since iv never really drawn a pose like dis, it took fo evur to sketch! I also dont draw dudes to often so if he looks funny, im sorry T-T and SKREW YOO HANDS!!! i think im just going to crop dem off da drawing >:U

Finally decided to start da comic >:3 im plannin to put da actually comic strips on another website but since i havent made it yet, they shall be put here. Hopefully, ill be able to get dem out once a week. Please support! ill even use t <3
i cut ma hair in June on a whim. i dunno, maybe i was bored -_-' like i said b4, it used to be uber long and wavy (partly cuz i never brushed it...) well aside from dat, now yoo all kno, i hav no clue how to draw highlights >_<

Done last year during math class. psssh, since wen was the last time i drew something outside of class :/ Dis was inspired through da art style of demiseman with a few of my nonsense forcefully integrated into it :3 none da less, im pretty proud of my moon face XD

Dis was so much fun x3 i made dis wen my band teacher, Mr. Board, was FOOLISH enough to giv the band a free period. Once again i admit, i suck wit pen drawing >_< but since dis pen was Korean (obviously da reason) i seemed to do a bit better XD dis also displays my good friend, Mr. Mushroom and the o so mysterious Suspicious Fish...... watch out fo him >_>
there was a short time period in my life where i was obsessed wit dis style of clothing. However, right after i finished dis drawing, i couldnt care less... imagine the green to be darker cuz i only had regular green in ma colored pencils >_< CURSE YOO COLORED PENCILZ!! thou art one formidable foe >:I