I wanna paint this but i cant cuz i dun kno how T-T just a quick sketch and still cant draw hands! WOO!!... sobs.... i want lineart......

I LUV DIS CHARACTER SO MUCH!!!! shes so friggin AMAZING!!! therefore, i drew her x3 its been a while since iv done a digital drawing and guess wat: I MADE MY ONE BACKGROUND!!! me is proud x3 i lack the ability to use line art with the program i use so it turned out kinda rough... nonetheless, im happy with the results :3 and shurderp i know shes old! ill draw another one as a chibi later!
This is wat happens wen i think of conjoined twins and Halloween at the same time  -_-' Circe is the stronger twin and without her, Charlotte would die. despite her outward appearance, Charlotte has a normal mind set like any other person. She is also all looks, her physical body is fragile and the wings dont even work. Circe has to be strong for the both of them (she has to eats a crap ton).
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!! i just drew dis today (in class...) so its just a sketch. im thinkin about enhancing it and watnot on photoshop but for now, you get this :3 Iv decided to give them names: Circe (the normal one) and Charlotte (the less normal one). Charlotte has the mind-set of a normal person, but her mischievous nature makes people think othrwise.
Cuz ai felt like it XD i dont hav the attention span to darken it so you get a sketch :3

If you feel lead to, please lend me sum of yoor brain cells. All of mine died T-T at first, i was goin to continue off dis as a series of monsters but my remaining brain fluids are telling me otherwise...

Sharpie is fun but i keep getting dizzy if i use dem too long -_-' this is a doodle i made in Spanglish! i showed my mom after school and she thought i had mental problems cuz i drew one of them with a knife. i see nothing wrong with having one of them love chocolate cake >:U

Yes, if yoo look close enough, you can read the elements of the periodic table -_-' I seriously should consider bringing printer paper to school... well im also out of my funk! i can draw girls again :D yay! now lets just hope that i can still draw dudes -u-

Spanish class doodle -u- i really should stop drawing in class... but i wont XD im pretty sure the dimensions of that fan are wrong but like i said, i was in spanish class. it does stuffs to ya >_>

I definitely hav a problem... i keep drawing my brother Justin! >:U except for the fact that my brother doesnt stare into yoor soul o_o