HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!! i just drew dis today (in class...) so its just a sketch. im thinkin about enhancing it and watnot on photoshop but for now, you get this :3 Iv decided to give them names: Circe (the normal one) and Charlotte (the less normal one). Charlotte has the mind-set of a normal person, but her mischievous nature makes people think othrwise.
Cuz ai felt like it XD i dont hav the attention span to darken it so you get a sketch :3

If you feel lead to, please lend me sum of yoor brain cells. All of mine died T-T at first, i was goin to continue off dis as a series of monsters but my remaining brain fluids are telling me otherwise...

Sharpie is fun but i keep getting dizzy if i use dem too long -_-' this is a doodle i made in Spanglish! i showed my mom after school and she thought i had mental problems cuz i drew one of them with a knife. i see nothing wrong with having one of them love chocolate cake >:U

Yes, if yoo look close enough, you can read the elements of the periodic table -_-' I seriously should consider bringing printer paper to school... well im also out of my funk! i can draw girls again :D yay! now lets just hope that i can still draw dudes -u-

Spanish class doodle -u- i really should stop drawing in class... but i wont XD im pretty sure the dimensions of that fan are wrong but like i said, i was in spanish class. it does stuffs to ya >_>

I definitely hav a problem... i keep drawing my brother Justin! >:U except for the fact that my brother doesnt stare into yoor soul o_o