I havent drawn a girl in a while so i doodled one during H Algebra 2....... mother of God wat happened O_O i think i need to reinforce the line drawn from my blood and tears between guys and girls again 

Once again, drawing on my notes   -_-' and also once again accidentally drew someone i know +_+ i dunno why but it freaks me out.....

ahahah.... im such a bad student T-T recently, iv been working on how distinguish ages in my drawings. i was aiming for 12.... yeh im still workin on it >_>

First off, my drawing style changed so much over the summer O_O i finally gave Patches a face :D aint she perdy. i also drew another character of mine named Koko. Shes a slightly insane genius who specializes in throwing knives. the rest are just doodle but one so happens to resemble my cousin Matthew...