livening up da site! YAY! dis is  sumthin i scribble scrabbled for the sake of tellin ze population dat were still alive! this is my rough draft of the gemstone collab and since iv never really drawn a pose like dis, it took fo evur to sketch! I also dont draw dudes to often so if he looks funny, im sorry T-T and SKREW YOO HANDS!!! i think im just going to crop dem off da drawing >:U

Finally decided to start da comic >:3 im plannin to put da actually comic strips on another website but since i havent made it yet, they shall be put here. Hopefully, ill be able to get dem out once a week. Please support! ill even use t <3
i cut ma hair in June on a whim. i dunno, maybe i was bored -_-' like i said b4, it used to be uber long and wavy (partly cuz i never brushed it...) well aside from dat, now yoo all kno, i hav no clue how to draw highlights >_<

Done last year during math class. psssh, since wen was the last time i drew something outside of class :/ Dis was inspired through da art style of demiseman with a few of my nonsense forcefully integrated into it :3 none da less, im pretty proud of my moon face XD

Dis was so much fun x3 i made dis wen my band teacher, Mr. Board, was FOOLISH enough to giv the band a free period. Once again i admit, i suck wit pen drawing >_< but since dis pen was Korean (obviously da reason) i seemed to do a bit better XD dis also displays my good friend, Mr. Mushroom and the o so mysterious Suspicious Fish...... watch out fo him >_>
there was a short time period in my life where i was obsessed wit dis style of clothing. However, right after i finished dis drawing, i couldnt care less... imagine the green to be darker cuz i only had regular green in ma colored pencils >_< CURSE YOO COLORED PENCILZ!! thou art one formidable foe >:I

Sum more OCs. a bit b4 i learned anatomy... Im to busy and lazy to draw whole bodies for each one so dis is wat yoo get. Ill probly get back to it later tho... Anyways, Patches and Stitches are scarecrows that hav been given life but are now cursed with the burden of needing human souls to stay alive (Dey keep the souls in dem bottles). Fortunately, this is no problem fo dem cuz dey are murderous by nature. They wield a double scythe and since i only drew one, i gues dey gonna hafta share. lastly, i refuse to draw their faces! Oh, and the hands are backwards cuz they were sewn dat way..... blame the farmer!! >:U........ awkward ram horn~~ :D

I was just exploring drawing styles n such and i came across an emo lookin one... Pretty much, the head is bigger, the eyes are L eyes, and the hair is all pencily... i hav no idea how to describe it -_-' Dis was also wen my signiture was less den readable O_o

Yet another strange thing that spawned from my ever questionable head. i pretty sure i was thinkin about Adventure Time cuz dats wat dis reminds me of :/

I did dis lastish year wen i was addicted to my friend's Korean drawing marker. I also went crazy and drew a whole page of nonsense that i might put on the site as well.