Im not really sure how to explain. I was sittin in biology and... this happened. I think due to my obsession of perfecting human anatomy when i draw, my brain said "ENOUGH!" and spawned this little creature. My friend then gav it a jellyfish friend :3

Well, this will probly be the last realism drawing yool get out of me. I dont think dis even counts as realism! At first i was doin pretty good drawin the snapple bottle but then i realized sumthin. i had to draw the wrapper... That notion was catapulted out my head so i gav it a face instead :D CobaltArrowWarrior then drew a butterfly cuz she said there had to be a reason its angry. Well, he could just be a angry Snapple bottle for all we know '^'

Dis is my older brother. the reason there are less little people thingies is
that i couldnt think of anymorz dat fit his personality. Justin was actually
makin dis face wen i was drawing him XD
This is back wen i still had long hair! and i mean LONG! my hair was past my
hips! then one day (my birfday) i decided to cut it short on a whim. maybe ill
draw my new hair style later :3
The bottom 4 emotions are injured, in love, insane, and robotic. CURSE YOO SCANNER!!
These are ma many faces that i actually sumtimes make in real life. i kno iv
made the confused and retarded face a number of time. and who could forger the
robotic face, everyone does it eventually :D
Another character ima plannin to use for another story :3 im so lazy with drawin
des guys so i might just write sum stories while i think of ideas... and i also
REALLY want a tail >_<
Hai! these three are doodles i made durin drivers ed! Heres a quick introdution:
Locke de Luca: a rich jerkface
Clementine ?: mysterious genius who no one knows da last name of
Griffin Young: a sad excuse fo a human being (just look at his abnormally long neck that... wasnt an artist mistake....)
Enough introz! these guys will be featured in a future comic strip series called Friends with Handcuffs. So if yoo like slap stick and dark humor, look forward to it!
Mmk. before yoo get any ideas, lemme just tell yoo i didnt draw dis, i colored it. And also to all the Vocaloid fanz out dere, lemme also make clear dat i dont necessarily like Vocaloid.... So why did i color dis yoo ask? well heres an explanation: dis was my first piece with my drawing tablet and the program i use
(Photoshop Elements 10 ftw) wont let me make line art. so i kinda had to borrow
one -_-' to whoever made dis lineart, its really well made and im sorry fo usin
it without permission... crap, he/she gonna murder me O_O