Im starting to draw full body stuff. who needs figure drawing classes when you have figures all around you. this is my friend andie. i made her put up her hair cuz i couldnt find her shoulders -_-'  i actually didnt finish her hair yet so i might repost this when i finish

Drawing the back of people's heads... this is chris btw :3 lookit him. all silly n such with his little hat

Me and my friend Chris. were thick as theive 

Old and ugly art... i tried placing her arms EVERYWHERE but i ended up erasing their existence completely cuz im FED UP WITH ARMS

Why must i spin the paper when i wanna draw sumthing new...

done about a month ago. mermaids are fun to draw cuz then you dont hav to draw legs :D tho the arms are kinda short and sucky.... watever, yoo learn from stuff i guess

Drawings from when i was sick. the bottom one was wat i was doin besides drawing

Once again, im challenged at putting my drawings in order so this was done a few months ago... -_-' fooling around with drawing styles and i ended up with that adorable little demon spawn on the left. also the suspicious 

Honestly, i consider this one a failure. the only reason im posting this is because it displays the new type of eyeball. this was inspired by how i look like when i cross dress. which pretty much means normal clothes with a beanie...

I was actually gonna draw shatterin glass as if he broke a mirror but once again, laziness hav overcome my desires...