Sorry guys! My scanner is broken at the moment, so I am not exactly sure when I will be able to update all my art! So please be patient!

Cobalt Arrow Warrior
Hello there! Yes, I am alive and well. School has been going well, but it requires a lot of work and time which is why it has been a while since I've posted anything. My apologies to all of you -_-". So anyways, I have been brainstorming a lot about some new pieces of artwork as well as thinking of new collab themes, and new DotD themes for those of you who are on the DotD mailing list. So anyways, schoolwork is calling once again. So I shall finish with a quote image as usual.
Take care of yourselves!

Cobalt Arrow Warrior
Wow, can't believe that Summer is almost gone. Tis a sad thought, my dear readers. That means that most of us must get back into the ole school routine! Well hope ya'll take every day seriously!
Keep letting your imagination run wild!
    Cobalt Arrow Warrior
(I do not own any of the Quote Images on this Website)
Hey! Cobalt Arrow Warrior here! Welcome to my journal page! This is where I will be posting random thoughts, upcoming artwork debuts, and just general announcements! Hope you enjoy this site as much as Agent Red Ninja and I have enjoyed creating it!

Cobalt Arrow Warrior