Hey everyone! There is a new collab making it's way to this website soon! It's the oh so glittery Gemstone collab! Agent Red Ninja came up with the idea saying that she had a couple ideas going through that artist mind of hers. So please stay tuned for those brilliant pieces of work from the both of us and we also thank you for your support through comments and asking for commissions!

Yours Glittery,
The Dueling Art Rival Sistahs:
Cobalt Arrow Warrior and Agent Red Ninja
Hello! We are working on our 2nd collab which will be the actual Disney style of art! We are so excited to be doing this even though we know that it is a difficult style to pull off. But as our art teacher told us in elementary school that it's all just different shapes put together! So wish us luck as we explore the wonderful world of Disney!

Dueling Art Rival Sistahs:
Cobalt Arrow Warrior & Agent Red Ninja
Our first collab should be coming very soon in the next couple days. It is our own work but we did them to the theme of music! So keep checking in to see if it's up! Feel free to leave comments!!

The Dueling Art Rival Sistahs:
Cobalt Arrow Warrior & Agent Red Ninja