Sorry that I have not been posting artwork, I have been putting this off because it conflicts with homework. I am not sure if I am going to continue doing it, but I thought I should just let you guys know. I might pick it up again when I have time, maybe during Thanksgiving Break
This was inspired by some flames that I was taking pictures of during school the day before I drew this. Yes, the flames were legitimately green! It was green due to dipping the wooden stick into a certain element! It was awesome, and one of the pictures reminded me of hair which was the birth of this! This was sketched in pencil, then inked and colored with colored pencils (as usual). I am so proud of this! The figure drawing class is paying off! :)
Inspiration Picture
Hey Guys! Sorry, my scanner is not working so these are taken with my phone! So this piece is called "Crafting the Beast" and it was sketched with pencil then inked and colored pencils. I got the style from Tim Burton and the idea of the piece itself just randomly came to me during Math Class today! This turned out really great, and it's a amazing start to my 50 day drawing challenge!