One day i wondered "why havent i drawn a chibi-like person in so long?" and now i kno why: they're friggin creepy....

Doodle during History -u- i didnt want to watch the movie so i drew dis. disregard the face and other anatomy flaws, it was dark...

As everyone knos, i hate and suck at drawing hands -_-' so this picture is a pretty big deal for me. i looked at hands like this entire weekend and yay. progress!!

Decided to just darken the eyes, makes things much simpler... Sun is really prideful and thinks herself the best. Who does she think she is, the center of the universe!...... pfft.....

Out of order -_-' dis one was left at school so dont blame me, blame the brain! Moon's hair is fun to draw :D She is refined and sophisticated while Star is just a goofball/knuckle head mcspazatron.

Da reason their all heads and torsos is cuz i still dont really know wat their lower bodies are goin to look like -_-' baby steps, baby steps.....

As i said b4, im using this challenge to improve dis style... hopefully progress happens T-T

For the 50 day challenge, Iv decided to draw using the style i plan to use for Friends with Handcuffs. Im hoping that as i continue on this, the style will change and morph into something awesome